Welcome to pygada’s documentation!

A python package to perform automated exploratory and geostatistical data-analysis.


It is hosted on GitHub and development is coordinated by Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen (DOV). DOV aggregates data about soil, subsoil and groundwater of Flanders and makes them publicly available. With this package DOV offers a tool to perform data-analysis on the data from DOV. Nevertheless this package also works for a private dataset.

To get started see the documentation at https://pygada.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Please note that using DOV data with pygada is governed by the same disclaimer that applies to the other DOV services. Be sure to consult it when using DOV data with pygada.

This repository is currently being build up based on the thesis work of Guillaume Vandekerckhove, pygeostat.


Getting started

Indices and tables